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In this introduction to the Complete Course (Tutorial) of Cucumber for #Java I introduce the basic concepts related to #BDD and how they are related to Cucumber #Gherkin.
Detailed lesson syllabus:
1) Definition of Behavior Driven Design #BDD
2) Definition of Gherkin
3) Gherkin Dialects
4) Programming languages used to implement Gherkin Dialects
5) Definition of Gherkin/Cucumber steps
6) Definition of Gherkin/Cucumber implementation steps
7) Definition of Gherkin/Cucumber expressions
8) Mapping of Gherkin/Cucumber step to step implementation in #Java
9) Definition of the fundamental Cucumber/Gherkin keywords: “Given”, “When” “Then”
10) Definition of Scenario and its syntax
11) Definition of Background and its syntax
12) Definition of comments and its syntax